Resources and Further Information
No particular order. There is no problem finding pertinent facts, there are thousands of reports, studies, and articles. The problem is making representative choices. At the top of each Google search is a paid advertisement offering “The Truth about Fracking.” It’s damage control spin from industry I suspect. Read it if you want to hear the driller’s side. But keep your critical thinking tuned for spin. And remember, one can drown in a river with an average depth of three inches – being “mostly” safe isn’t enough if you get into a deep enough hole.
(Click to select the item)
General Information Articles and Sites
Study: [Fracking DRB would] Threaten Health of 45,000.
Pennsylvania and Fracking – SourceWatch
Climate Deception Dossiers Union of Concerned Scientists
State Impact – Pennsylvania (home page)
Fracking … from a Quaker Perspective (LancasterOnline.com)
A Colossal Fracking Mess (Vanity Fair) June 2010
Pennsylvania Energy, Environment, Economy (NPR)
[pro and con survey article] Law Street – Lewis and Clark Law School
Assessing “Dangerous Climate Change” James Hansen et al.
Global Environment
The Most Influential Climate Science Paper (Inside Climate News)
Study Gets a Handle on Gas Leaks: 80 Billion Cubic Feet (Inside Climate News)
Methane Leaks May Greatly exceed Estimates (NY Times)
The Methane Monster truthout.org
Fossil Fuel Industry Disinformation Huffington Post Expose
Bucks County Gas Play
How Much Gas Lies Beneath Bucks County (State Impact)
Drilling Study in Bucks … (State Impact)
Move Toward Fracking in Bucks County (2/12) (NewsWorks)
Fracking Induced Quakes Inside Climate News
Paper on Human Induced Earthquakes (USGS)
How Hydraulic Injection Causes Earthquakes (NPR)
Series of Earthquakes (7/29/15) Climate Progress
The Law and Legislative Issues
Citizens Guide to Act 13 (Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future) http://pennfuture.org
Municipalities Can Zone Fracking (StateImpact)
Enforcement Report PA DEP (9/12) earthworks.org
No Fracking Way (Commentary on PA Supreme Court Decision favoring municipalities
[Use of Acid [Coal] Mine Drainage (AMD) water for Fracking] (The Wire)
The Case for a Fracking Health Registry (Southwest [PA] Environmental Health Project – White Paper)
Fireball Burns Family Think Progress 8-12-15
A Public Health Review … (NY State Dept. of Public Health)
Johns Hopkins Reports Fracking Related Rise in Radon found in PA Homes
NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation – [Fracking] Environmental Impact Statement
Nurse Katie Huffing Reviews Health Impact (Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments)
Fracking and Low Birth Weight Babies (Web MD)
Fracking and Birth Defects (Colorado Study) New Republic
Physicians for Social Responsibility Institute –
* June 2012 Hydraulic Fracturing
* August 2013 Fracking Revisited
A Public Health Review … (NY State/NY Times)
Compendium (Concerned Health Professionals NY)
[Scientific Bibliography on Fracking] (Physicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy)[Toxicity of Fracking Chemicals] California Council on Science and Technology & Berkeley Lab
(Peer reviewed multi-volume study commissioned by California Legislature.)
Property Values
Fracking Hits Property Values (Triple Pundit)
Fracking Boom Could Lead to Housing Bust (Grist)
Fracking and House Prices – Buyer Beware (The Economist)
The housing market impacts of shale gas development (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Duke Researchers Show Dip in Home Market Caused by Nearby Fracking (The Chronicle)
Nationwide Won’t Cover Fracking Risk Exposures (Business Insurance)
Chesapeake Energy – “local banks had refused to re-finance some residents’ homes” (StateImpact (NPR)
[another story alleges that they cheated land owners of royalties.]
Compressor Noise Devalues Homes (Fractivist)
Community Impacts (Leaks, Infrastructure)
[Potter County Well and Public Water Contamination] publicherald.org
DEP Fines Drillers for Water Well Contamination DEP Press Release
Abandoned Wells [Leak Hazard] State Impact
Listing of Gas Accidents Wikipedia
Methane Leaks Exceed Estimates by 8x NY Times
Damascus Methane Baseline Damascus Citizens for Sustainability
Dimock, PA Fracking Disaster (NPR)
Fracking Update (Anti Fracking Video)
“Things Find a Way” (Animated Video – EarthJustice.org)
How Fracking Contaminates Water (Animated Video, Captions no audio)
Vertical Cracks, Chimneys, Pipes Robert Jackson, et al, Stanford
Ingraffia Study on Well Leaks Abstract (US National Academy of Sciences)
Dryden, The Town that Changed the Fracking Game (earthjustice.org)
[$8.9 million fine] (StateImpact – NPR)
Delaware River Natural Gas Development (Delaware River Keeper)
Well Casing Failure (StateImpact)
Cause of Casing Failure (FrackWire)
Derelict Oil Wells as Methane Emitters (Climate Central)
2012 Study of Well Failures (PSE) [Source of 6% Failure Rate]
Groundwater Monitoring Program (Clean Water Action)
Costs of Fracking (Environment America)
100% Clean Energy is Possible (The Clean Energy Project)
100% WWS (Royal Society of Chemists, via Stanford U.)
Fracking Has Contaminated Drinking Water, EPA Now Concludes (Inside Climate News)
Waste Disposal
Shale Waste Disposal One Sheet Handout 7 23 15 (PA League of Women Voters)
Pipeline Info
Penn East Map (Interactive)
Only 33 percent of New Jersey landowners agree to allow PennEast on their property (Morning Call)
Clean Energy Hub Proposal (NewsWorks)
Faith Perspectives
Fracking Violates Call to be Brother’s Keeper The Times-Tribune