B-CAUSE (Bucks Concerned About Unsafe Shale-gas Extraction)

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Guess Who Pays the Bill?

Players in the energy industry know how to skip on their cleanup obligations. Nobody wants to admit to it, but there are ways to game the system so that investors can take the money and leave behind a shell that has no capacity to clean up the mess they leave behind. “IBG/YBG” means “I’ll be

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Let’s Be Skeptical

Here is a Reuters article about a government study that concludes fracking doesn’t necessarily hurt our water. The problem with such studies is always in the circumstances that were not considered. Keep in mind that the process involves punching a big hole through many different layers of strata, lining it with a big pipe and

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Scary Video

The energy industry does not want us to focus on fossil fuel-induced global warming. They want us to perceive it as a distant and equivocal risk. But we should be alarmed by evidence like this: The data shows us that global warming is real and is accelerating. Many things contribute to this vicious cycle, but

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About those Fracking Earthquakes: It’s True

Here’s the abstract of a study summarizing the reliability of findings concerning induced earthquakes. The evidence is credible. Claims of industrially induced seismicity vary from indisputable to unpersuasive and yet the veracity of industrial induction is vital for regulatory and operational practice. Assessment schemes have been developed in response to this need. We report here

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