Action speaks louder than words. Join the march …
Action speaks louder than words. Join the march …
How to Let Go of the World a new film by Josh Fox of Gasland fame will be screened on Saturday June 18th 2:00 PM at The Newtown Theater 120 State Street in Newtown PA.
Although admission is free a goodwill offering is much appreciated. This event is sponsored by local civic activist groups: 350 Bucks County, the Coalition for Peace Action and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network. For further information please contact Jasmine Spence 215.510.5562.
What: Moraltorium Rally and Lobby Day
When: Monday, March 21 (schedule below)
Where: Grace United Methodist Church
RSVP with UUPLAN so they can plan for lobby meetings:
You can also share the Facebook page:
Tuesday, December 1, 2015 the Upper Makefield Board of Supervisors unanimously passed their version of the shale gas drilling moratorium resolution. This will be used to give weight to our appeals to the Delaware River Basin Commission and the PA Legislature to permanently ban fracking in the Delaware Basin.
Now all three townships that comprise the zoning jointure have passed such ordinances. Their Solicitor has the Riverkeeper’s guide book for drilling ordinances and also the guide for pipeline zoning. With these tools it should be possible to craft zoning ordinances that give the maximum protection to air and water quality and the environment generally. Although there is no urgency to act quickly, it is crucial to invest the time to get a good ordinance in place as a fall-back should efforts to ban fracking fail.
Every resident of Bucks County should be respectfully working to make sure that Supervisors take the next steps.
In addition to the resolution, and drilling and pipeline ordinances, we anticipate that innovative lawyers will be offering bold strategies for townships to protect their citizens from the worst abuses of the shale gas industry. To get an idea what shape this might take visit Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (
Many people see stewardship of our environment as a moral issue. The world’s great religions call their followers to love one another and be stewards of all creation. Climate disruption has moral and social justice implications that are the common concern of all faithful people. The forum announced in the flyer below affords a great opportunity to explore and discuss how faith informs our efforts to ensure a safe healthy planet for future generations.
The call to environmental stewardship is nearly universal. Citizens Climate Education has published a book of statements by world faith leaders titled Faith Based Statements on Climate Change. Copies are available from them – 1330 Orange Avenue #300, Coronado, CA 92118; 609 437-7142.
We’re asking everyone to come out on Monday August 3 to hear an update on our efforts to prevent premature adoption of the jointure drilling zone ordinance. We’ll meet at six (6PM) at the Wrightstown Friends Meeting at 535 Durham Road, PA 413 North. After a short update there will be time for comments and questions. Then at seven (7PM) all will go over to the Wrightstown Municipal Building (2203 Second Street Pike) for the Supervisors’ Meeting that starts at 7:30PM. As before a few people will present our concerns.
We’ve been in touch with the Supervisors and anticipate a good reception and discussion. It’s clear that they are not eager to see fracking come to our area. We want to be a resource and provide support for a good strategy to deal with the threat fracking represents to our quiet enjoyment of our beautiful Bucks County homes and surroundings.
A PDF copy of the flyer above is here. Pass it on and print it for your neighbors who don’t surf the web.
There will be an open public meeting to brief concerned citizens on the impact of fracking on people and quality of life, health and infrastructure in the region at 6 PM in the Newtown Friends Meeting. Note that fracking and the proposed ordinance are not on either the Planning or the Supervisor’s agenda so far as we know.
We do know that it was already reviewed and revised by Upper Makefield and the version with their revisions was given to Wrightstown and Newtown Township on May 4th. The Planning Board of Newtown Township has reviewed it in June, but has not approved it. So we believe it’s timely and appropriate to express our concerns and desire for more public participation during the public comment portion of their meeting July 7 and 8. Further details are in the flyer below:
[This page was revised on 7/4 changing the words “to consider” in the flyer to “are exploring” for clarity.Bring your children, your neighbors, your friends to two critical meetings:
Tues., July 7 at 7pm – the Newtown Township Planning Board will meet to discuss a resolution to allow fracking in Newtown Twn. (Rt. 413, off Durham Rd.)
Wed., July 8 at 7pm – the Newtown Township Supervisors will meet to hear the recommendation of the Planning Board and vote on the resolution.
With the out-sized influence of the fossil fuel industry in PA, with the predictability of human error, with the inevitable escape of methane gas during drilling, extraction and abandonment of wells, there is no sure way to regulate fracking’s impact. The proposed resolution makes clear the risks involved (to use the language of the resolution)
It doesn’t mention other known risks:
The proposed resolution uses vague, slippery language like
The price for this irreversible damage? “A letter of credit or other financial security” approved by the governing body “BUT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000.” Litigation to enforce would cost more. Remember, once any ordinance is passed, it can be amended at any meeting, so the language of the law is not much protection even if air-tight .
On Dec. 20, 2013, the PA Supreme Court ruled that municipalities “must act as trustees to protect the rights of PA citizens” to “clean air and pure water” and the “preservation of natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment.” STAND UP FOR OUR QUALITY OF LIFE AND OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE. Arrive no later than 6:30pm to be sure to get a seat. Check to be sure that the meeting agendas haven’t changed.
Thanks. Marguerite & Richmond
Reading a paper copy of this? Details, links, and supporting information are available on our blog site:
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