One thought on “Just how irresponsible can big oil be?”
Fracking is too expensive, too dangerous and totally unnecessary for our energy needs. The chemical companies and the oil & gas drilling using fracking do not tell the public what is in the fracking fluid. Which contains benzene, xylene, ethyl ether, and toluene, all VOC’s Volatile Organic Compounds, hydrochloric acid, glycerin, sand, and other unknown chemicals and pure it all over our highways with impunity after just filling out a form and saying they attest the “used fracking fluid,” or “flow back fluid” has “beneficial use,” and they either sell or give it to municipalities or just spread it all over our road ways to control dust, “de-ice” the roadways, all to save money and cut their costs all to maximize profits. The good old DEP the “Don’t Expect Protection” Department, just goes along with this farce of regulatory protection of the environment and human health. They are bought off and underfunded thanks to the Republicans and the Democrats taking campaign contributions from the fracking and gas drilling industry. Fracking should be outlawed and banned permanently. Gas and oil need to stopped being extracted and burned now!
Fracking is too expensive, too dangerous and totally unnecessary for our energy needs. The chemical companies and the oil & gas drilling using fracking do not tell the public what is in the fracking fluid. Which contains benzene, xylene, ethyl ether, and toluene, all VOC’s Volatile Organic Compounds, hydrochloric acid, glycerin, sand, and other unknown chemicals and pure it all over our highways with impunity after just filling out a form and saying they attest the “used fracking fluid,” or “flow back fluid” has “beneficial use,” and they either sell or give it to municipalities or just spread it all over our road ways to control dust, “de-ice” the roadways, all to save money and cut their costs all to maximize profits. The good old DEP the “Don’t Expect Protection” Department, just goes along with this farce of regulatory protection of the environment and human health. They are bought off and underfunded thanks to the Republicans and the Democrats taking campaign contributions from the fracking and gas drilling industry. Fracking should be outlawed and banned permanently. Gas and oil need to stopped being extracted and burned now!